Passionate About Inspiring Others
I love helping people discover and embrace who they are designed to be so they can thrive in their “sweet spot”.
My goal is that you are free to “be who you are, not who you’re not”! Instead of conforming to an expectation of who you should be, comparing yourself to others, compromising to fit in, feeling misunderstood and undervalued; you can be transformed into who you were designed to be. As we go on your strengths journey, you will gain a new perspective of your identity, your purpose, and ultimately, the unique value you bring.
This process has been life-changing for me as I continue to tap into who I am as a wife, mom, coach, mentor, project specialist, business partner, and entrepreneur. When my first son was born, within minutes, I remember thinking, “this is what I was made for”! I get to experience that over and over as I help others embrace who they are, learn to tap into the energy that brings, and finally say, “I was made for this”! There is nothing better than seeing the freedom, energy, and purpose people find when they understand their own uniqueness and value.
I have over 30 years experience in teaching, mentoring, and training people in personal growth and development. I am a Mental Fitness coach and am certified as a CoreClarity facilitator. This is a framework and methodology that serves to help people gain clarity on who they are at their core so they can truly be their best self at home and at work. This propels teams to transform as they capitalize on the diverse value of each member through comprehensive team dynamic and personal development modules.
My husband, Mike, and I have also developed Destination Unbreakable, a strengths-based marriage retreat, where we help you discover what’s great about you as well as your spouse. When couples learn to see each other through these new lenses, and gain a fresh perspective on marriage, relationships are transformed.
I hope that I will be able to help you on your journey!
Who I've Worked With

Certified Core Clarity Facilitator
My top 6 talents - Empathy, Positivity, Adaptability, Learner, Harmony, Developer - I was designed to encourage and equip others!
Leading Personal Development and Team Dynamic workshops with hundreds of people from different walks of life - sports teams, non-profits, businesses, churches, education (high school, college, graduate, teachers, faculty)
30+ years of developing and mentoring young adults in one-on-one and small group settings
I truly understand Team Culture and the importance of a healthy dynamic from years of being on various teams and coaching volleyball for 15+ years
Fellow Facilitators
Mike Buchanan
Mike is a life coach and sports chaplain with 30+ years of experience working with athletes. He is married to Alison, and they work together when coaching couples. They have developed a strengths based marriage retreat, Destination Unbreakable, where they help couples discover what is great about their spouse.
Learn more about Mike at:
Michael Anderson

When working with teams, if there is a large team or a unique need, Alison will bring in another facilitator to work alongside her.
Michael brings expertise in executive coaching, Action Learning, and positive intelligence. He has a passion for leadership and team-building.
Learn more about Michael at: andersonlr.com
Dr. Robert Woodcock

When working with teams, if there is a large team or a unique need, Alison will bring in another facilitator to work alongside her.
Robert brings expertise in cross-cultural contexts, team dynamics, dispute & conflict resolution, and transformational leadership.
Learn more about Robert at: https://www.coreclarity.net/facilitator/robert-woodcock